It’s time to Change the Story
Children are the most vulnerable to malaria and yet their voices often go unheard. We must listen to children’s stories to better understand the impact of malaria on their lives. Let us amplify their voices for a malaria-free Africa. It is time to change the story.

Innovation holds the key to saving millions of lives
Never before have we had such a powerful set of tools to fight malaria: from next generation mosquito nets and new antimalarial drugs to vaccines
Right now, malaria scientists in Africa and across the world are working together to develop game-changing innovations from 2nd generation vaccines, to medicines and new nets that will help get rid of malaria once and for all.

Facing the perfect storm
We are facing a perfect storm of challenges. Extreme weather events, humanitarian crises, economic instability, insecticide and drug resistance, and funding shortfalls are making the fight against malaria harder.
Failing to act now against malaria will lead to an upsurge in malaria cases and deaths. New modelling shows that without an increase in global funding for malaria, an additional 280,000 lives could be lost. 80% of them children.

The time to act is now
2025 is our window of opportunity to get back on track for elimination. The Global Fund replenishment in 2025 will determine whether we sustain the progress that has been made or fall further behind.
It is time to Change the Story for millions of children around the world.
We're calling on world leaders
We are calling on world leaders to support the Global Fund this year to secure the resources needed to fight malaria with renewed energy.
Discover all the real stories behind this powerful campaign.
Hear the children's voices calling on our world leaders to end malaria to save millions of kids lives.